


Our School's Physics Teacher Shines in the 2023 National Basic Physics Course Young Teachers Lecture Competition

Author: Release time:2023-05-17 clicks:

The "2023 National Basic Physics Course Young Teachers Lecture Competition (Anhui Division)" took place in Hefei from May 11th to 13th, and it brought forth an outstanding performance by Ms. Sun Xiaoxia, a dedicated educator from our School of Physics, who clinched the first prize in the competition.

This competition was jointly organized by the Anhui Work Committee of the University Physics Course Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education and the Anhui Physical Society, with Hefei Normal University as the hosting institution. It saw the participation of 21 young teachers from various universities in the province. Ms. Sun Xiaoxia, a valued member of our university's college physics course team, showcased her teaching prowess, marked by a focus on moral education, student-centered instruction, output-oriented strategies, and a commitment to continuous improvement. She skillfully wove cutting-edge content into her lectures, integrating professional insights and infusing ideological and political education into her teaching. This impressive performance underscored the depth of teaching talent at our university. Following rigorous competition in both the preliminary and final rounds, Ms. Sun Xiaoxia emerged as the first-prize winner.

The School of Physics has consistently prioritized the development of young teachers, actively encouraging their participation in various teaching skills competitions at different levels. Through such events, we aim to foster the exchange of teaching experiences, inspire and support young teachers in their efforts to excel in teaching basic physics courses, raise the bar for teaching standards, drive curriculum innovation, and enhance the quality of talent development.

Text/Wang Chunhua Photo/Li Zhongjun Review/Gong Huiling

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